Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 4: Corinth, Greece

”Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” – 1 Corinthians 13:4

Corinth was once a prosperous town that resembled our modern-day Las Vegas. Paul wanted to help this community filled with prostitution, drinking, gambling and brawling. Again, his outreach to the Jewish community failed. However, after 18 months of preaching to the Gentiles, especially the poor, he had formed a large Christian community.

Paul started tent making in a shop owned by a couple, Priscilla and Aquila, who became missionaries with him. Their home eventually became one of the first house churches. Christians would meet here to listen to Paul’s preaching and to hold Eucharistic worship.

Years after he left, when Paul heard the city was dividing, he wrote the First Letter to the Corinthians, talking about love and charity; unfortunately this attempt did not help the situation. Even when Paul made a personal visit, his help was rejected. After some time, Corinth settled down again and Paul wrote his Second Letter to the Corinthians to express his joy over the community’s transformed spirit.

Other places included in the tour:

· Acoronith

· The Sacred Spring

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