Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 6: Jerusalem, Israel

“I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and persecutions are waiting for me.” – Acts 20:22-23

At the end of his third missionary journey, Paul delivered donations from Christians in Greece and Asia Minor to the people of the holy city who were suffering from famine. Even though he also had the intention to, he did not have the chance to discuss the recurring issue about whether Gentile Christians had to follow Jewish Law – which you will learn more about from your tour guide. Paul received a warm welcome and the donations were accepted appreciatively.

You will get to visit another temple, this time the one where Asian Jews protested against Paul and had him dragged outside its gates by a mob. These Jews saw Paul as an enemy cooperating with the Romans since he did not require Christian converts to follow the Jewish Law. Fortunately, he was saved from death by Roman soldiers because, as a Roman citizen, he was protected under Roman Law. He was then escorted under heavy guard to Caesarea, as you will be on your boat ride.

Other places included in the tour:

· The Wailing Wall

· The Israel Museum

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